
A. Another Video Professor angle courtesy of SuperMilkChan:

While I may question the use of Photoshop over old school MS Paint, props for the effort.

2. For what was probably the first time in my life, I listened to "One Night in Bangkok" in its entirety the other day. What a treat! This toe-tapping travelogue packs more punch into 4 minutes than any Fodor's I've read. Move over, Rick Steves, here comes Murray Head.

d. I really wish this guy would have popped up after Cheney shot that 78-year old quail:

1 comment:

SuperMilkChan said...

I could say something about Rick Steve's "Through the Back Door," but it would be TOO easy. So I'll stick with hisses and boos for Cheney shooting that quail. You would think a man who's had two heart attacks would have more of an appreciation for life. Gotta love the good ole boy mentaility of "if you can't shoot something, life ain't worth living."