Random Observations

on Chrysler's current Lee Iacocca ad campaign:


I don't know why I take such great pleasure in watching the continuing downward spiral of Jason Alexander's career. I must have read some interview with him years ago where he came across as a jackass. Regardless, it's nice to see him resort to resurrecting his Costanza persona almost a decade after it was put to rest in order to make a buck.


While the granddaughter spot is undoubtedly supposed to show the tender, loving side of Iacocca, I see something else. After she mocks his "if you can find a better car, buy it" line, I see a rageaholic hissing "that's my girl" through clenched teeth while thinking "NOBODY TALKS TO LEE IACOCCA THAT WAY - I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU." In fact, I'm convinced they tried several actresses before her, but Lee kept trying to strangle them. Thankfully, the director was able to find some OxyContin on the set.


Snoop has a terrible golf swing. Also, I bet the same people who thought it would be HILARIOUS to put these two together are responsible for this flaming turd. The next Chris Guest/Gene Levy vehicle better be damn good; Levy has a lot to answer for.


Anonymous said...

i love the commercial with snoop on the golf course. it's hilar!

Anonymous said...

How many times do you think they had to tell "da coca" to pull his pants down from around his neck?