Why hasn't this been made yet?

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It's the mother of all buddy-cop movies.


Darth Roker said...

Wow -- so many possibilities, are they brothers? Is one a good guy and the other a bad guy? Is one "normal" and the other retarded or just "way too tall?" I want to see!

Ubermilf said...

There are TWO Smits? When did this happen?

Ubermilf said...

I found the perfect theme song.

We just have to change a few words around.

Anonymous said...

I think the other detectives were always riding Jimmy about losing in the precincts' 2 on 2 basketball tournament. He was going to lose again this year, until, magically, the night before the game, his long lost brother Rik shows up.

Also, at some point in the movie, Jimmy needs to grow a mullet in a touching bonding moment with Rik.