High point - I don't care if you've seen it 45 times on the internets already, I saw it live and I'm going to share it with you, dammit.
Low point - I flipped onto the movie excerpted below and did not change the channel for almost 15 minutes (those 15 minutes include the scene below). No, I'm not proud - but I did it for a reason: to determine if Cuba Gooding, Jr. truly is the saddest story in Hollywood. Introduced to the moviegoing public in a powerful role in one of my favorite movies, he went on to win an Academy Award, and then promptly flushed his career down the toilet with the you-have-to-be-shitting-me triumvirate of Boat Trip, Snow Dogs, and Daddy Day Camp.
I didn't even mention Radio.
What the hell happened? Is it drugs? And if it is, can it really be that bad? Is it kiddie porn? Leprosy? I don't get it, I really don't.
BTW, look for CGjr's thespian talents to shine beginning at approximately the 1:10 mark.
If you must know details about the rest of the weekend, it involved a lot of boating, drinking, and hot-tubbing, but