Guess who I lined up to fill in as a guest blogger?

That's right - the Iron Horse of Broadcasting. I'm not sure when or how often he'll show up, but when I asked if he'd take the reins from time to time he did say "yeah, fine [just get off the goddamn phone]".
Here's the March 5 transcript from
RITTER: Your apartment?
D. KNOTTS: Do you have a hearing problem?
D. KNOTTS: Does he have a hearing problem?
D. KNOTTS: Yes, my apartment!
D. KNOTTS: I'm Ralph Furley! I'm going to be the new building manager.
DEWITT: The new what?
SOMERS: The new who?
RITTER: The new which?
D. KNOTTS: They all have a hearing problem.
KING: (AUDIO GAP) ... generation of fans and created a memorable character on the hit "Three's Company." He played Ralph Furley, Jack, Chrissy, and Janet's landlord, and would-be swinger. Alright, let's go to the phones. Arlington, Virginia, hello.
CALLER: Hello?
KING: Yes, go ahead.
CALLER: Yeah, hi Larry. I've been a fan of yours for, like, years. I really miss those columns you used to write in USA TODAY.
KING: Thank you. We're remembering Don Knotts tonight, what's your question?
CALLER: I like to call it "McPaper", because it's like the fast food of newspapers. You still read it, though, just like you still go to Mickey D's. I usually -
KING: Okay. Joyce, I understand Don got along very well with John Ritter.
CALLER: - O-Fish. Anyhow, uh, (INAUDIBLE) blog and was wondering if you'd like to get back in front of the keyboard and let your fingers work their magic like they did for USA TODAY.
DEWITT: Oh, certainly. They were two incredibly gifted and talented actors, but also very warm and caring people. They -
CALLER: Holy shit, is that Joyce DeWitt?
KING: Uhh… sorry friends, we seem to be having problems with the phone thing here.
CALLER: I always thought she'd be better in the sack than Chrissy. You know, like she knew she wasn't as hot as Chrissy and had to, you know, compensate? I bet she was into -
CALLER: - made out of PVC, and velvet ankle and wrist restraints -
KING: (INAUDIBLE) so we're going to cut to a quick commercial break and be right back with more of this special edition of Larry King Live, Remembering Don Knotts.
Just asking:Q. How cool is Video Professor?
A. Really freaking cool.