You Have To Be Kidding Me.

The punch line to this video has nothing to do with the concept, the book, or Fox News Channel.

This clown was in my fraternity.


One of my few memories of him is telling another guy in the house "hey, your dog has a nice ass." I assume that was some sort of attempt at humor, but I'm not positive about that. For all I know his can't-miss soulmate formula bagged him a springer spaniel.

Sorry I've been non-update-y

I was in LA helping an old friend with a screenplay for an upcoming trilogy. "Tyler Perry's Don't You Sass Me Jerome" should begin filming in the fall, to be followed by "Tyler Perry's Where The Hell Do You Think You're Going" and "Tyler Perry's Oh No You Di-int".


SuperMilkChan said...

Note to self: New reason not to join a fraternity. Might end up with some freaky book writer who is (not so secretly) into beastiality.


OTOH, I am expecting VIP opening night passes to each of the Tyler Perry movies. I mean, what if he's my soulmate???!!!

Jackie said...

Sweet fancy Moses, that guy has douche written all over him. I am shocked, SHOCKED that he is both a fratboy and a house pimp.

Anonymous said...

I wish Tyler Perry would spend less time writing movies and more time in the studio workin on the next Aerosmith album.

Darth Roker said...

I have asked my higher power to make certain that Frank is not my Soul Mate.

Two night stands = a partnership? What the hell is this guy talking about? Keep him away from my dog.