Last weekend was my annual baseball outing, which typically involves my getting together with
Darth Chaucer for a game at a particular ballpark that we've never been to, followed by a bit of painting the town red. This year had the added bonus of (a) more people and (2) more parks.
First, kudos to Cleveland on an absolutely fantastic park - Jacobs Field is excellent.

Shoutout to my man Ned the Usher.
As for our nights out on the town, let's just say I'm willing to bet some people are going to need therapy after being introduced to Miles O'Cock.
Monday saw Darth and me exploring surprisingly scenic Pittsburgh. By "scenic", I'm referring to the shimmering skyline and tree-covered hills rising high above the mighty rivers. I'm not referring to the general populace. Just so we're clear.
Anyhow, PNC Park also is a gem.

I'd probably rate it a hair below Jacobs, but a damn nice park in its own right.
Next year's contestants: Safeco, SBC, Petco, Comerica, Ballpark at Arlington.