After LaVar is done cappin' suckas he's finna head down to The Shoppes at Montclair Lakes and pick up some some accent pillows, maybe an Orange Julius.
Time for this year's annual baseball outing with Darth. In addition to a ballgame or two we're going to get to the bottom of this developing story. And maybe one of us will try to get a job. No, not that kind of job, this kind of job.
The largest fraternity house in the world until 1962 (WOO HOO). Also my residence for all 4 years of undergrad. It certainly had seen better days, but its demolition still makes me a bit sad nonetheless.
There's a replacement structure in the works; while it won't be the same, I hope it provides its members with memories that will rival mine. At least it will smell better.
I don't know about you, but these days my inbox is chock full of emails from people wanting to talk BSG. It's all 'pew pew I'm totally a Cylon' this and 'ZOMG Twiki makes me LMFAO" that. But if there's one recurring theme I get, it's 'Dood, how fucking hot is Starbuck?"
Answer: Really fucking hot! It's about time somebody stood up and took notice.